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Dark Report is pioneering in terms of being the first one to calculate the preventable death counts since 2017 due to the air pollution in Turkey. It is the third study conducted by the Right to Clean Air Platform since 2015 in order to analyse the air quality in Turkey.

The report is prepared by combining two consecutive reports from the Platform prepared in 2019 and 2020 about the details of air pollution and its health impacts in Turkey.  

Some striking information from Dark Report 2020 are as follows:

  • There are still no regulations with limit values for PM2.5 in Turkey and it is not widely measured other than some pilot stations.
  • No health impacts or cumulative impact assessment are considered during theEnvironmental Impact Assessments and permit processes of industrial facilities.
  • There is no sufficient air quality data (PM10) in 30 provinces for 2019. Additionally, there is no sufficient data about the carcinogenic fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 60 provinces out of 81 in total.
  • In Turkey, nearly 18 million people in 30 cities did not have sufficient data about the quality of the air they breathe in 2019.
  • In the provinces of Eskişehir, Muş, Uşak and Şırnak, which have a total population of 2 million 196 thousand, even the minimum amount of air quality data has been unknown for 3 consecutive years.
  • Among the 51 cities at which sufficient measurement has been made in 2019, air pollution values are above the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline values (20 mg/m3) for 98% of the provines. PM10 levels are even higher than the national annual PM10 limits (40 mg/m3) for 70% of the provinces with valid measurements. 
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